Imagine a system where you can give self-service interfaces to all of your content providers where they can easily upload their latest ringtones, games, images, videos,... by their own, no matter where they are, without any effort for yourself - and as soon as your content partners have uploaded the content it is available for you to sell.
Using the SYNAPSY mCMS, this time and money saving feature lets you concentrate on your core competencies whilst others take care for new & high quality content.
Main Features - Webbased interface for each content provider
- Individualizable for each single provider (content types, categories, user-rights)
- Multiple access points for one producer webinterface (for different users in one company,...)
- Single-upload of contents
- Bulk-upload of contents
- Automated rendering of graphical contents to all needed sizes based on master-sizes that can be uploaded
- Automated RE-rendering of already uploaded graphical contents to new formats that have been add after the content have been uploaded (huge timesaver, cause "old" contents will be made available also for brand new phones with totally different capabilities via buttonclick!)
- Automated assignment of uploaded contents to the correct handsets
Alternatives provided by the system also - Upload of contents via WebDAV
- Upload of contents via FTP/ SFTP
- Real-time content import/ ingestion from external systems via XML
 content import
upload interface
content submission
content ingestion
XML interface
content management
content provider