Title: Webbased Admin Interfaces

Channel Managers’ Admin Interface – extensive tools for full control


Channel Managers’ Admin interface is your easy to use control center – this secured Web interface is equipped with a wide variety of useful features that are required to have full control over any content item, the Network Operators’ discovery channels and transaction related monitoring and reporting activities.
This interface is directly connected with a Channels’ discovery channel(s) – any settings and changes that are done here can be effective right after they have been done – just in real-time.

As a standard the SYNAPSY system provides you with a “parallel” development area. Any new content item can be tested here before it will be activated in the live environment (e.g. also by an external testing house) – any new work-flow optimization, content positioning, mini-site or text change can be tested here first and can be adapted to the live environment easily afterwards in order to secure clean and clear customer experience without errors in retail channels.
You can decide which rules you are setting here – e.g. games of certified partners can be activated automatically without the need to go through a testing process first.

Key features & benefits:

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