Get access to any content item in Google Play (Android Market) utilizing the power of SYNAPSY’s Google Play (Android Market) Crawler and embed it into your own services
SYNAPSY’s Google Play (Android Market) Crawler works similar to crawlers of search engines for the Web but extends the capabilities of standard Web crawlers to meet the requirements of the mobile world and mobile devices with platform & device specific needs as „one fits all“ is not possible in this area.
This leads to results that can reflect available application & games content filtered - per country and language (locale)
- per channel/ operator
- per Android software version (API level)
- per Android device model
and provides contents including all available content assets such as: - content image assets (icons, preview screens, promo-badges)
- content descriptions in all available language versions
- content ratings and reviews
- pricing information (country, channel, currency specific)
Gaining these information, it’s possible to e.g.: - setup and manage Web, Mobile & On-Device based discovery channels that incorporate Google Play (Android Market) content
- extend existing discovery & sales channels with content assets of Google Play (Android Market)

 Crawler Android Market
Search Engine Google Play (Android Market)
Google Play (Android Market) API
Google Play (Android Market)
Search Engine
Google Play (Android Market) Spider
Web based access Google Play (Android Market)
Provider Google Play (Android Market) Apps