Complete your own content discovery and sales channels with all or selected applications and games of Google Play (Android Market)
Channel managers around the globe are faced with the same challenges as e.g. the Application Stores of the iPhone or Android teach customers that it’s possible to offer and find apps and games for any special topic or need.
Even if only relatively few content items are really interesting for users and are downloaded, more and more users just love the idea to use a shop that offer an almost unlimited and continuously growing number of apps and games.
Because of this, own discovery channels and Application Stores need to offer a content catalog that is growing every single day in order to attract own or new users and compete with these huge channel independent stores.
SYNAPSY’s Google Play (Android Market) Channel Extender provides Mobile Content channels the opportunity to add the huge content portfolio of Google Play (Android Market) to own discovery and sales channels – no matter if Mobile/ WAP, Web or On-device. Applications and Games aggregated by and/ or for their own, will just be completed what leads to a much wider own portfolio without the need to setup potentially thousands of additional contracts with content providers and developers what means massively lower costs and efforts but more attractive own services.