12.11.14 09:09 Age: 10 yrs
Synapsy becomes a new provider for MTS Ukraine branded services
Just two weeks after signing the contract Synapsy Mobile Networks relaunched the branded games service for MTS Ukraine with a record-speed development.
A whole VAS care-free package is included: Pay-per-download and subscription services for Android and hundreds of online games for iOS, Windows Mobile, all tablets and PCs. To provide the best customer experience Synapsy also integrated with MTSĀ¹ billing and messaging systems.
Detailed reporting and live statistics give MTS the ability to evaluate the success of the service itself but also the outcome of ATL and BTL promotions.
The customer friendly subscription service provides access to a seemingly endless games portfolio which brings entertainment for boys, girls and adults evenhandedly.
Waldemar Mehlmann, CEO of Synapsy Mobile Networks, adds: "We're very happy to see that there are a lot of MNOs out there who like to utilize their direct customer relations in order to gain additional ARPU in times where the content business seemed lost to the big Appstores. Alarm bells should have rung for a long time now not only because of the shrinking revenue generated out of the roaming business. Content is a growing business and it shouldn't be exclusively worked by Google and Apple but also by MNOs because it's just perfect for customer binding and retention. Currently we see a high demand in the emerging markets like Middle East and Africa as well."
